Nikon Widefield
Brief description:
This Nikon Ti2-E equipped with a fast xy stage (Prior), a piezo z-drive (Prior) and a NIDAQ board enables the performance of fast live cell widefield experiments.
Both high resolution imaging of fixed stained samples following deconvolution and live cell imaging due to full box incubation (Okolabs) can be performed at the microscope. Imaging experiments are set up in NIS-Elements (Nikon) allowing basic multichannel, multiposition and time lapse experiments as well as more complex experiments via the NIS JOBS module. NIS-Elements JOBS offers users complete flexibility in designing experiments with customized acquisition and analyses software. Visual programming features remove the need for advanced data programming knowledge. Moreover the NIS software includes all common general analzis tools (GA3) as well as artificial intelligence (AI). Users can either take existing ready to use AI algortihms for denoising and deblurring datasets or train AI with own datasets, f.i. regarding image segmentation (for detailed information check "Links and Manuals")
- Nikon Ti2-E (inverse) with motorized fast emission filter wheels (Sutter), a polychroic mirror (DAPI/FITC/TRITC/CY5/Cy7), a tripleband dichroic mirror (CFP/YFP/mCherry) and a FURA dichroic
- Spectra III light engine (8 wavelenghts): 348/30, 380/20, 440/20, 475/28, 555/28, 575/25, 635/22, 748/12, suitable also for FURA (Calcium imaging experiments)
- air:
- Plan Apo lambda 4x NA 0.2 WD 20 mm
- Plan Fluor 10x NA 0.30 Ph1 DL WD 15.2 mm
- S Fluor 20x NA 0.75 DIC N2 WD 1.0 mm
- silicon: Plan Apo lambda 25x NA 1.05 DIC Sil WD 0.55 mm
- water: Plan Apo VC 60xA NA 1.20 WI DIC WD 0.31–0.28 mm
- oil:
- Plan Apo lambda 60x NA 1.4 oil WD 0.13 mm
- Plan Apo lambda 100x NA 1.45 oil DIC WD 0.13 mm
- Orca Fusion BT (2304x2304 pixels, 6.5 μm x 6.5 μm)
- Nikon DS-FI3 colour camera (28880 x 2048 pixels, 2.4 μm x 2.4 μm), Colour BF Camera
- Nikon NIS-Elements
contrast methods:
- Brightfield, Phase Contrast, DIC, Widefield Fluorescence
- The system is equipped with an OkoLab box type incubation system including CO2 and temperature control.
Links and Manuals:
Emission Filter settings: