Sample Preparation

Sample preparation for EM techniques

As an electron “microscopist” you have to ask yourself several question before you start with your work not only about the type of analysis (structure, crystallography, topography, chemical composition, defects - see above) and the tools (STEM, TEM, SEM, CLEM and spectroscopy) but much more important for your success is how to prepare your sample for the analysis you plan.

Therefore you have to let us know about following properties so that we can help you to find the right sample preparation:

  • State and physics of material: hydrated/liquid, bulk, mono-or multilayer, fine particles, solid - compact, soft, porous
  • Type of material: metal, semiconductor, ceramic, mineral, polymer, biological material, organic material, colloid, composite material,…
  • Chemical composition: single-phase, multiphase, unknown
  • Material properties: hardness (hard, soft, very soft); fragility (durable, fragile, ductile); conductor or insulator
  • Sample and final target area/volume dimension for imaging and analysis