Advanced Courses
Course Layout
The advanced block courses run between three and five consecutive fully days. Due to logistics, the number of participants in the practicals is limited. This number is different for each course.
ETH domain students and PhD students can earn ECTS points for attending the courses. A course fee is charged for full participation (except for Master students), while attending only the lectures is free.
Who should apply
Prior EM experience is required for advanced block courses. Experience can be gained by attending an introductory course. Active users of ScopeM microscopes are also welcome to take part.
There are complementary courses on Light and Electron Microscopy offered, which are published in the ETH course catalogue:
Electron Microscopy in Material Science 327-0703-00L
EM-Practical Course in Materials Science 327-0702-00L
Scattering Techniques for Material Characterization 327-2137-00L
Elements of Microscopy 327-2137-00L
Introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy 651-1851-00L
Safety Concept for MTP practicals
Please read the Saftey Concept before attending the MTP practicals. The safety concept should be understood and complied with during the MTP practicals by all participants.