Booking rules
The following general booking rules apply (exceptions may exist):
- Users can generally book 14 days in advance (see exceptions stated on certain instrument pages)
- For most instruments, the shortest bookable time slot is 30 min; for some, time slots of 15 min. are available
- During daily timeslots (working days, 8:00-18:00), sessions can be booked to a maximum of 5 hours; outside daily slots, there are no general time restrictions
- All users with a driving license can book the corresponding system during daily timeslots; most instruments can be accessed and used off-hours as well (note the off-hour regulations)
- The slots can be modified/deleted 24 h prior their start - afterwards, only the staff can waive the charges (upon the user presenting a “force majeure”); cancellations on shorter notice will get charged unless the timeslot can be filled by another booking
- The staff (primarily the instrument responsible) can grant exception; exceptions need a proper justification and will be judged on a case by case basis (primarily applied in cases of instrument malfunctioning)
- It is strictly forbidden to use an instrument without booking