Hitachi HD-2700
Technical details
Camera / detectors:
- Gatan CCD Orius SC 1000 W
- HAADF, MAADF, DF, BF und SE-Detector
Key features:
- Cold field Type Emitter
- Cs-corrector
- Resolution: 0.105 nm
- 360° Tomography holder
- Heating holder 20-800 °C
- Single and double tilt holder
- Cryo-Holder (LN2)
Booking rules
The following general booking rules apply (exceptions may exist):
- Bookings allowed 2 weeks ahead
- Maximum half a day per week (exception: if the microscope is not booked 48 h before the start of a free slot, more than one day-time slots per week can be booked)
- Main booking blocks are 8:00–13:00 and 13:00–18:00, shorter bookings within one booking block are allowed
- The staff (primarily the instrument responsible) can grant exception to the rules; every exception requires a proper justification