TFS Talos F200X

TFS (Thermo Fisher Scientific)

Model name:
Talos F200X (Chem S/TEM)


HCI E 529

2 22 68

Price category:
TEM and APT / Large Scale Frontiers

external page Direct booking link to PPMS

Instrument contact:

Christian Zaubitzer
  • HPM D 48
  • +41 44 633 61 53
  • Email
  • vCard Download

Otto-Stern-Weg 3
8093 Zürich


Brief description

Talo F200X is a scanning transmission electron microscope (S)TEM that combines high-resolution (S)TEM and TEM imaging with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) signal detection.  

Technical details

Camera / Detectors:

  • CETA (16 M pixel CMOS Camera, 25 fps @ 512×512)
  • HAADF STEM (resolution 0.16 nm)
  • BF / DF1 / DF2 STEM
  • Super-X EDS system (windowless, shutter protected)

Key features:

  • High voltage: 80 kV, 200 kV
  • Emitter: X-FEG
  • Super-X EDS: 4 detector configuration; pixel dwell time down to 10 ms; energy resolution: ≤ 136 eV for Mn-Ka
  • Piezo-stage
  • EDS-tomography
  • TEM information limit 0.12 nm


  • Single tilt
  • Low background double tilt (maximum tilt angle ±30°)
  • Tomography (maximum goniometer (stage) tilt angle ±90°)

Booking rules

The following general booking rules apply (exceptions may exist):

  1. One can book 4 weeks ahead
  2. The booking times fall in two categories,
    • day-time slots: maximum 5 h, between 8:00 and 18:00, sessions 8:00–13:00 and 13:00–18:00 are usual; shorter sessions are also allowed
    • off-hour slots: between 18:00–8:00 and week-ends, no restriction of session length
  3. One can book not more than two day-time slots per week; booking of off-hour slots is not limited
  4. If the microscope is not booked 24 h before the start of a free slot, more than two day-time slots per week can be booked
  5. The slots can be modified/deleted 36 h prior their start, afterwards only the ScopeM-staff can do it (upon the user presenting a replacement person or a “force majeure”)
  6. All users that have a driver license shall book their sessions themselves; ScopeM staff can book for other users only in exceptional cases: User training, service work on projects for users that do not have a driver license, special cases (e.g. off-hour access for novice users)
  7. The staff (primarily the instrument responsible) can grant exception to the rules; every exception requires a proper justification