Zeiss LSM 780 upright
Brief description
The Zeiss 780 upright laser scanning confocal microscope as an upright setup can be used for multicolour fluoerescence imaging as well as for surface analyzis/topography application. The system is equipped with a motorized X-Y stage (135×80) and a stage top incubator (Pecon; temperature, CO2).
The system is further equipped with a tunable chameleon multi photon laser, 2 conventional PMTs and a high sensitive multi array GaAsP detector which can be used for fast lambda scans. For surface data analyzis the microscope computer is equipped with the Confomap® software.
Technical details
- Zeiss AxioImager.Z2
- HXP 120 V (visual observation)
- laser lines:
- Diode 405 nm
- Argon: 458, 488, 514 nm
- Solid state: 561 nm
- HeNe: 594 nm
- HeNe: 633 nm
- Chameleon MP laser: 705–980 nm
- 10x 0.3NA EC Plan-Neofluar Ph1 M27
- 20x 0.8NA Plan-Apochromat M27
- 40x 0.75NA EC Plan-Neofluar Ph2 M27
- 40x/0.75NA W N-Achroplan M27 (water dipping lense)
- 40x 1.3NA Oil Plan-Neofluar DIC M27
- 63x 1.4NA Oil Plan-Apochromat DIC M27
Camera / detectors:
- 2 Quasar PMTs (fluorescence), 1 32PMT GaAsP detector, 1 transmission PMT
- ZEN Black 2012
- Confomap
- The system is equipped with a stage top incubator including temperature control and CO2 (Pecon).
Fluorescence settings:
- for visual observation DAPI, GFP, mCherry and Cy5 filter sets are available